American Eagle Outfitters Customer Service Contact Details

All the details for contacting American Eagle Outfitters. American Eagle Outfitters customer service is available on various service channels including: Phone, chat, email, Facebook and Twitter.

Customer Service Options:

American Eagle Outfitters Customer Service – Phone

Contact American Eagle Outfitters by phone on: 888-232-4535.

Customer service hours of operation: Not published.

American Eagle Outfitters Customer Service – Website

Visit the American Eagle Outfitters website for a variety of customer service options: click here.

American Eagle Outfitters Customer Service – Email

Contact American Eagle Outfitters customer support by email: [email protected].

American Eagle Outfitters Customer Service – Twitter

American Eagle Outfitters official Twitter account: Click here.

American Eagle Outfitters Customer Service – Facebook

Customer support on the official facebook page of American Eagle Outfitters: click here.

American Eagle Outfitters Customer Service – Chat

Use online chat for contacting American Eagle Outfitters customer support: click here.

American Eagle Outfitters Customer Service – Address

Customers can contact American Eagle Outfitters customer service by mail: 77 Hot Metal Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203, USA.


Custservice provides contact details for leading companies and websites. We do not provide any customer support ourselves. All the information on this website is gathered from the companies websites, social media and customer feedback. We strive for perfection, but can not assure that the information on this website is 100% accurate. In case of mistakes or missing data - please help us to remain accurate by sending us your feedback.

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